What You Need To Know About Root Canals

Dentist Blog

Are you considering or about to undergo a root canal treatment? You're likely wondering exactly what a root canal is, how it will transpire and how you'll feel afterwards. Essentially, root canal therapy is a type of treatment that's used when a tooth has become infected or has decayed significantly. Without this treatment, the tooth may die. When the nerve of the tooth is infected, a root canal is the best option to save the tooth. During the root canal, the dental pulp is completely removed and the inside of the tooth is hollowed out, cleaned and sealed back up.

While root canals have earned a reputation for being extremely painful, they've actually been reported to be no more painful than receiving a tooth filling. Much of the pain that is associated with root canals is all the pain leading up to receiving treatment, not the treatment itself:

How do I Know If I Need a Root Canal?

Of course, the best way to determine if you need any dental treatment is to visit your dentist. Other than that, there are some warning signs that will indicate that you might require a root canal.

  • Discoloration or darkening of a tooth that's in pain.
  • A recurring pimple located along your gum line.
  • You receive an extended headache when chewing.
  • Sensitivity to normal hot or cold temperatures. The pain might even remain once the source of the heat or cold is gone.

What Happens During a Root Canal?

The entirety of the root canal procedure usually takes more than one office visit. Typically, you'll require a trip to an endodontist to plan the entire treatment. Your dentist will likely refer you to an endodontist that they've successfully referred patients to in the past.

After the x-rays are taken, the specialist will create a thorough plan for performing your root canal. They'll also see if the infection has spread to other nerves or has impacted other tissue. Some dentists will use a local anesthesia, while others will not since the nerve may already be dead.

In order to keep the area dry, the dentist will place a rubber dam that prevents saliva from reaching the tooth. They will then drill an access hole into the. This hole allows them to remove the decayed pulp, nerve and other material. Once the tooth has been emptied, it's cleaned with a specialized solution and then sealed up.

You may feel some pain for a few days after receiving the root canal. However, that will eventually dissipate and you'll be free from the pain that caused you to seek out the root canal in the first place.


12 February 2015

Coping With Dental Emergencies

My son was outside playing with some friends when he accidentally fell down and hit his mouth on the sidewalk. The fall knocked out his front tooth, so I immediately placed the tooth in a small jar and added some milk. I rushed my son to the dental clinic and the dentist immediately took us into the examination room. The dentist placed the tooth back into the socket and saved it. My name is Beverly Tillman and thanks to the quick work of the dentist, my son didn't lose his tooth. Since this was a scary time for me and my son, I wanted to write this blog as a source of information for other parents who are facing a dental emergency. First of all, don't panic and get to your dentist as soon as possible. I hope this blog will help to answer your questions about dental emergencies.