Questions And Answers About Veneers

Dentist Blog

There are many different cosmetic dental applications that can help improve the appearance of your teeth. However, few applications are as versatile and effective at transforming the teeth as dental veneers are. Here is a bit of information about dental veneers to help you understand the benefits associated with this application:

From what material are veneers usually made?

Dental veneers are usually fashioned from resin or porcelain. The thin sheets of material are bonded to the front surface of the teeth to cover imperfections.

How long do veneers last?

Veneers can vary in durability based on the material from which the veneers are constructed. Porcelain veneers tend to last longer than resin or composite veneers do. Porcelain veneers typically remain in place between 12 and 25 years. Composite veneers, on the other hand, last between four and eight years.

What types of cosmetic issues are corrected using dental veneers?

Dental veneers are often used to correct many different cosmetic blemishes. Here are two of them:

Irregular Shapes

Dental veneers are often used to cover teeth that appear misshapen or inappropriately sized when compared to the patient's other teeth or facial structure.

Dental Discoloration

Some types of dental stains are so heavy that they are resistant to chemical teeth whitening applications. In such cases, dental veneers can be used to whiten the teeth. In addition, dental veneers may be prescribed for people who have extremely sensitive teeth, since teeth-whitening applications sometimes exacerbate dental sensitivity. Also, people who have dental discoloration due to a birth defect or other permanent staining, such as that caused by certain medications or dental trauma, can have their teeth whitened through dental veneers.

Are there any special measures that should be taken to protect veneers?

No Sticky Foods

Once a dental patient has veneers installed, he or she should be sure to avoid extremely sticky foods. Substances such as caramel or toffee can apply pressure to veneers. In some cases, they may even be able to dislodge a veneer from a tooth.

Mouth Guards for Bruxism

People who regularly grind their teeth at night suffer from a condition called bruxism and may require the use of a mouth guard to protect their veneers. The bite pressure experienced as the top and bottom palate of teeth scrub against one another can damage a veneer.

To learn more about dental veneers and how they can benefit you, consult with a cosmetic dentist like Leo Uicker DDS.


19 April 2016

Coping With Dental Emergencies

My son was outside playing with some friends when he accidentally fell down and hit his mouth on the sidewalk. The fall knocked out his front tooth, so I immediately placed the tooth in a small jar and added some milk. I rushed my son to the dental clinic and the dentist immediately took us into the examination room. The dentist placed the tooth back into the socket and saved it. My name is Beverly Tillman and thanks to the quick work of the dentist, my son didn't lose his tooth. Since this was a scary time for me and my son, I wanted to write this blog as a source of information for other parents who are facing a dental emergency. First of all, don't panic and get to your dentist as soon as possible. I hope this blog will help to answer your questions about dental emergencies.