Protecting Your Child's Teeth When They Play Sports

Dentist Blog

Many children enjoy playing sports at school, and it can be quite healthy for kids to do so. Unfortunately, it can also potentially pose some risks to their teeth if they're playing a sport with a lot of physical contact, like soccer, football, hockey, or even wrestling. If your child is engaging in a rigorous sport, you should know that their teeth could be at risk. But you can take steps to mitigate the risk. Implement these tips to reduce your child's risk of having permanent damage to their smile.


Buying a mouthguard is one of the simplest, most affordable, and easiest things you can do for your child. If they aren't already provided a mouthguard at school for when they play sports, it's a good idea to get one yourself for your child.

Mouthguards are easy to put in and don't get in the way of talking or communication in team sports. They help to reduce any impact on the teeth, so even if your child's mouth gets hit with a flying ball or takes a physical hit from someone's elbow or shoulder, they're less likely to experience serious damage.


Helmets are becoming more popular in children's sports, especially as scientists discover more about how concussions are caused in children. If your child is currently playing a rigorous sport and they don't wear a helmet, it's time to take action. Talk to your child's school or sports team about integrating helmets for all the kids. One with coverage over the chin and mouth is best to protect your child's teeth. These helmets can be used in conjunction with a mouthguard, too, so your child will have two layers of protection.

What to Do

In the event that your child's teeth are injured during sports, here's what you should do. If your child's mouth is injured but their teeth are intact, get to a kids dentist for a full examination. Your child's dentist will be able to assess the damage and treat any lacerations or injuries that they find in the mouth.

If a tooth has been knocked out of place or completely knocked out, you need to act quickly. Getting to a dentist fast means the difference between your child experiencing permanent damage and losing the tooth versus having their own tooth restored. Dentists can often put a tooth back where it belongs and the body will heal around it, but only if you get your child and their tooth to the dentist's office as fast as possible (and only with permanent teeth). The longer you wait, the more likely the root and pulp of the tooth will die, which will render it unusable.

Children are bound to experience bumps and scrapes in their lives, but they don't have to undergo dental trauma. With these tips you can ensure that your child's mouth is far safer and you'll know what to do if anything serious happens.


12 September 2018

Coping With Dental Emergencies

My son was outside playing with some friends when he accidentally fell down and hit his mouth on the sidewalk. The fall knocked out his front tooth, so I immediately placed the tooth in a small jar and added some milk. I rushed my son to the dental clinic and the dentist immediately took us into the examination room. The dentist placed the tooth back into the socket and saved it. My name is Beverly Tillman and thanks to the quick work of the dentist, my son didn't lose his tooth. Since this was a scary time for me and my son, I wanted to write this blog as a source of information for other parents who are facing a dental emergency. First of all, don't panic and get to your dentist as soon as possible. I hope this blog will help to answer your questions about dental emergencies.