A Few Things To Know About Dental Bridges

Dentist Blog

If you have a missing tooth, your dentist might recommend a bridge to fill the gap in your smile. A bridge requires a healthy tooth on each end. There can be one or more artificial teeth between the crowns on the healthy teeth depending on how many teeth you've lost and what your dentist thinks is appropriate. Here are things to know about dental bridges.

How Bridges Are Used In Dentistry

The main purpose of a dental bridge is to bridge a gap caused by one or more missing teeth. A bridge doesn't always require implants, but implants can be used on the ends of the bridge instead of natural teeth if necessary.

If a bridge is used between two natural teeth, the natural teeth have to be trimmed down so they can be covered with crowns. The crowns are cemented to your teeth, and they hold the bridge securely in place.

Dental Bridges Are Made In An Outside Lab

Porcelain is a popular choice for a bridge that is on the front teeth and will be seen when you smile. That's because porcelain looks a lot like natural enamel and that makes your bridge look natural. Bridges are usually made in an outside dental lab, so getting one requires a couple of visits to your dentist.

The dentist makes an impression of your teeth with a mold or digitally, and sends the information to the lab. The lab then makes a bridge that consists of two crowns and one or more artificial teeth between them. You'll return for a second dental appointment to have the bridge fitted and secured in place.

You'll Get A Temporary Bridge To Wear

During your first dental visit to get your bridge, the dentist trims down the enamel on the teeth that will get crowns. This could leave your teeth painful and sensitive, but this problem is avoided by wearing a temporary bridge until your permanent one is ready to put on.

Getting A Bridge Isn't Painful

A dental bridge isn't painful since you'll receive an anesthetic if necessary. It's possible you'll need dental work if one of the crowns on the bridge needs to go on a tooth that already has a cavity. The cavity has to be removed before the crown is put on, but even that shouldn't be painful since your tooth is numb first.

The artificial teeth between the crowns fit against your gums. There is no drilling into your gums or bone the way the procedure happens when you get a dental implant. That makes recovering from a bridge quick and easy.

A Bridge Works Just Like Natural Teeth

Once your bridge has been fitted, it works just like your natural teeth. You can eat and chew normally, and the bridge will look and act just like natural teeth. You'll also need to care for your bridge as your dentist instructs so you can keep your gums and mouth healthy.


4 January 2023

Coping With Dental Emergencies

My son was outside playing with some friends when he accidentally fell down and hit his mouth on the sidewalk. The fall knocked out his front tooth, so I immediately placed the tooth in a small jar and added some milk. I rushed my son to the dental clinic and the dentist immediately took us into the examination room. The dentist placed the tooth back into the socket and saved it. My name is Beverly Tillman and thanks to the quick work of the dentist, my son didn't lose his tooth. Since this was a scary time for me and my son, I wanted to write this blog as a source of information for other parents who are facing a dental emergency. First of all, don't panic and get to your dentist as soon as possible. I hope this blog will help to answer your questions about dental emergencies.