Other Denture Services Provided By Your Dentist

Dentist Blog

Dentists can fit you for dentures. They can make your dentures, and then they can adjust your dentures to fit properly. Those are just the basic denture services most dentists provide. However, what you may not realize is that dentists provide several other denture-related services.  Whitening of Dentures Coffee, tea, colas, and other foods and drinks stain dentures heavily. Even if you are depositing your dentures in your denture cup every night and dropping in a cleaning tablet, the dentures never seem to be as white as when you fist had them.

11 December 2017

Three Reasons To Reconsider Buying Charcoal Toothpaste

Dentist Blog

Charcoal toothpaste seems to be all the craze lately. There are plenty of benefits being talked about all over the Internet. However, not many people are also aware of some of the more concerning parts of using charcoal toothpaste. Here are three of those concerns you need to think about before buying charcoal toothpaste: Eroding Enamel: First off, buying the wrong kind of charcoal toothpaste can be much too eroding for your teeth.

7 November 2017

What Causes Receding Gums?

Dentist Blog

If you've noticed that your teeth are starting to become a little more sensitive and that they are looking a bit longer, your gums might have started to recede. Your gums protect the more vulnerable part of your teeth, and when they pull back, your tooth is at greater risk for decay. Sometimes gum recession is hereditary, but many times, receding gums are the result of poor dental habits or care procedures.

11 October 2017

Maintaining The Fit And Attractiveness Of Your Dentures

Dentist Blog

If you have lost your teeth and now have dentures, you may be concerned about keeping your new appliance in like-new condition. A denture is custom-made for the specific contours of your mouth. As a result, changes in your denture can affect the fit and appearance of the appliance. Here are a few ways to ensure that your denture maintains its attractiveness and fit for years. Minimize the Amount of Deep-colored Foods and Drinks That You Ingest

13 September 2017

Questions About Implant Dentistry

Dentist Blog

If you have been considering a restorative procedure for a lost tooth, you may be pondering the installation of a dental implant. However, you may still be unsure about an implant restoration, especially if this is the first permanent tooth that you have lost. Having answers to the questions you may have about dental implants can help ease your concerns. Here are a few common questions about implant dentistry: How do dental implants work?

22 August 2017

3 Signs You Need Braces

Dentist Blog

The ultimate person that makes the decision about whether or not you could benefit from braces is your orthodontist. However, this doesn't mean that you can look for certain signs to indicate that you would likely be a good candidate for braces. This article will discuss 3 specific signs that you likely need braces in more detail. Difficulty Biting One sign that you may need to get braces is if you have difficulty biting.

27 July 2017

Two Reasons Why You Should Have A Cosmetic Dental Procedure

Dentist Blog

If you're like many people, you dream of having a beautiful smile.  You want pearly whites that absolutely gleam when you smile and help you achieve a more youthful appearance no matter what your age happens to be.  Although options used to be quite limited some time ago, you can now make your dental dreams a reality by having a cosmetic procedure done on your teeth.  While you may have been thinking about having one done, you might still be trying to figure out if the cost is worth it.

13 July 2017

3 Dental Mistakes You Should Never Make & How to Fix Them

Dentist Blog

Everybody wants to a healthy, happy smile that showcases sparkling while teeth. Not everybody is willing to put in the hard work that it takes to get one. If you're highly motivated to enjoy optimal dental health, the first step is looking at the common mistakes you may be making when it comes to your oral health care routine. See if you are making these dental mistakes and learn what you can do to fix them!

15 February 2017

4 Mistakes You Should Never Make When Whitening Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

Most people want a pearly white smile so they can smile confidently through life. However, the teeth-whitening process can be fraught with confusion when you are new to pursuing a sparkling smile. Talk to your dentist before you choose any teeth-whitening system, and make sure you know all the pros and cons of each teeth-whitening process. Be sure to avoid these four mistakes when whitening your teeth. Mistake #1: Relying on Quick, Easy Fixes in the Whitening Process

15 February 2017

Keeping Your White Teeth White

Dentist Blog

If you have been lucky enough to be blessed with white teeth, then you want to make sure you do everything that you possibly can to keep those nice-looking teeth. If you aren't careful, you can look in the mirror one day and wonder what went wrong. The darker, more stained, and more discolored you allow your teeth to become, the harder, longer, and more costly it can be for you to get your teeth back to the beautiful white coloring that they once had naturally.

15 February 2017