5 Reasons To Consider A Dental Implant

Dentist Blog

If you have a missing tooth, chances are you're unhappy with how your smile looks and feels. You don't have to live with a gap in your smile forever. Thanks to continued advancements in the dental world, dental implants have come a long way and are regularly used to improve smiles. These implants look and feel like a real tooth so they will fit in nicely with the rest of your teeth.

21 December 2019

Top Advantages Of Getting Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Taking time to replace teeth that are missing is ideal for better dental health. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is by getting dental implants. This is a process that will allow for a titanium post to be placed in your jaw that will help secure the dental restoration. There are many reasons you'll want to get dental implants, and knowing these can be helpful in making your final decision.

24 November 2019

2 Ways Your Child's Diet Affects Their Oral Health

Dentist Blog

As a parent, you know the importance of a healthy diet for your child. Encouraging your children to eat healthy isn't always easy, especially when your kids would rather have fruit snacks and crackers over fruits and vegetables. However, your child's diet is one factor that influences their oral health. Check out a couple of the ways that your kid's diet can affect the health of their mouths. 1. Your Child's Diet May Influence Their Dental Products

23 October 2019

Dental Help In A Hurry And How To Cope With Dental Emergencies

Dentist Blog

Dental problems can occur outside the scope of your family dentist but that doesn't mean you cannot cope well with an emergency until you can be seen. Read below and get some tips on dealing with several common dental emergencies that will make things better for you in the meantime. Lost fillings can be painful when food or the air makes contact with the root of your tooth after losing a filling.

19 September 2019

Three Problems That Can Cause Tooth Pain That Aren't Cavities

Dentist Blog

When a tooth hurts, sometimes a person's mind can go to one of the worst possible concerns: cavities. It's true that cavities can induce pain in teeth, but they're certainly not the only causes. Here are three potential things that could be triggering your tooth pain that deserve a dentist's attention. Enamel Damage One common cause of tooth pain that isn't a cavity is enamel damage. This is when the hard exterior shell of your tooth is damaged, exposing the inner surfaces of the tooth.

26 August 2019

Here's Why Your Gums Still Look Odd After Giving Up Smoking

Dentist Blog

As you probably know, smoking is bad for your entire body, including your mouth. The smoke, tar, and nicotine can cause serious damage to your gums and teeth, among other things. If you've given up smoking but still aren't happy with the way that your gums work, then read on to discover why they still look that way and what you need to do to have them fixed. Impact on Gums

25 July 2019

Does Stress Affect Your Oral Health?

Dentist Blog

Most people know that stress is a normal part of life, but also that it affects many things in life. It can affect your mood, energy level, and health, and you might be surprised to know that it can also affect your oral health. Here are some of the effects that stress may have on your teeth, gums, and mouth. It can lead to grinding of the teeth When a person is stressed, it causes their body to tense up, and one of the effects this can have is grinding of the teeth.

28 June 2019

Do You Need A Pediatric Dentist?

Dentist Blog

Children, even very young children, need dental care just like you do. When the need arises, it's only natural that you make an appointment with your own family dentist, but some parents use specially trained pediatric dentists. Read on to find out what sets pediatric dentists apart and make the right decision for your family. The Need for Early Care Setting up good oral hygiene habits are best done early. Baby teeth are not immune to cavities and the problem of permanent teeth trying to emerge before the loss of baby teeth is a fairly common one.

31 May 2019

How To Find The Right Dental Care

Dentist Blog

A cavity isn't just a cavity -- it's a potential stressor in your mouth that makes it difficult to eat, which affects your overall nutrition. Gum disease isn't just gum disease, it's often a first sign of heart or circulation related issues. And of course, your smile isn't just a set of teeth -- it's the way that you greet the world and a huge indicator of self-esteem.  What all of these things have in common is that they are issues that require the help of a top quality dentist.

10 May 2019

This Type Of Braces Is Best For People With TMJ

Dentist Blog

If you want straight teeth, chances are you're looking into getting braces of some kind. These days, there are plenty of options to choose from, including different materials and different types. However, if you have TMJ, there are additional factors to consider. The jaw pain, stiffness, or swelling you may experience on a regular basis could impact your braces experience, and vice versa. Here's what you need to know about braces with TMJ and which kind is best for you.

31 March 2019