Q & A For Root Canals

Dentist Blog

The cavity that is located in the root of a tooth and filled with living material is called a root canal. However, when most people hear the term, they usually think of the endodontic procedure that bears the same name. Here are a few questions and answers about root canals: What is a root canal procedure? A root canal procedure is a dental treatment that involves the removal of the pulp or living material from the center of a tooth.

15 December 2015

What Is A Dental Crown?

Dentist Blog

Dental crowns are quite common and can be used to treat a wide variety of problems, but you might not know too much about them. Regardless of whether you need to replace a damaged tooth, get a root canal, or just want to improve the aesthetics of your smile, a crown can be a great option for you. To help you get a better idea of what crowns really are, here is an overview of the subject:

25 November 2015

Six Ways To Afford Braces

Dentist Blog

Orthodontic treatment can work wonders on your smile, but many would-be patients feel that they can't afford braces or other orthodontic treatments. But here are several ways that you can consider to afford the cost.  Dental Insurance One of the best ways to get your braces covered is to take out a comprehensive dental insurance plan. While your average health care plan might not include a lot of dental insurance, you can bulk up the plan so that it will include partial payments on cosmetic dental treatments.

6 November 2015

5 Tips That Will Help You Move Past Your Dental Fears

Dentist Blog

If you have a dental appointment coming up and you are extremely nervous, there are some things you can do to help calm your nerves. By following the advice in this article, you may be able to overcome your dental fears and have an easier time going to the dentist. Focus on the exam If you have a good idea that there is something wrong with your teeth, this can cause you to stress over what types of treatments you may have ahead of you.

21 October 2015

All-Porcelain Crowns Vs. Porcelain-Fused-To-Metal Crowns

Dentist Blog

Dental crowns are recommended for a variety of reasons, including discoloration. If your dentist has recommended crowns, he or she could opt for all-porcelain or porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns. To help you understand the difference between the two types of crowns, here are some of the pros and cons of each.    All-Porcelain Crowns An all-porcelain crown is completely made of the ceramic and it is because of this, there is no dark line visible when it is installed.

1 October 2015

Better Your Smile Before Your Next Dental Appointment

Dentist Blog

Are you tired or embarrassed by having to hide your imperfect smile? If yellow stains are preventing you from laughing out loud o smiling in pictures then getting them cleaned and crispy white is likely something you have put much thought into. Well, what if your schedule is constantly hectic and you don't want to wait for your next day off to visit your dentist. There are great at-home methods for teeth whitening, such as:

15 September 2015

Answers To 3 Common Teeth Whitening Questions

Dentist Blog

If you're self-conscious about stains and discoloration on your teeth, you've probably considered teeth whitening. While teeth whitening is a common dental procedure, there are still a lot of misinformation about it that requires clearing up. Below are three common questions that many have about teeth whitening, and the answers that can help you decide whether whitening would be best for you. 1. If I Have Sensitive Teeth, Should I Even Consider Whitening?

25 August 2015

How To Remove Bacteria From Your Tongue

Dentist Blog

Many Americans are suffering from some sort of gum disease. If you are having a problem with the bacterial invasion of your gums, even though you are brushing your teeth twice a day for at least 3 minutes each time and are flossing regularly, then there might be another source of bacteria that you haven't realized is causing your problems: your tongue Your tongue can hold a ton of bacteria within its crevices and many people don't even think about cleaning it regularly.

6 August 2015

Sparkling Smile: 3 Natural Methods To Whiten Your Teeth

Dentist Blog

A winning smile is something that many people want, but do you really have to resort to commercially-sold products with questionable ingredients? Thankfully, the following are 3 simple and natural ways to brighten up your smile. 1. Homemade Dental Whitening Toothpaste The first thing you can try is using a bi-monthly dental paste made with just 1 strawberry and some baking soda. This works because baking soda and strawberries contain properties that help whiten your teeth.

22 July 2015

Addressing A Couple Of Concerns You May Have Regarding Braces

Dentist Blog

Correcting crooked or misaligned teeth can be an important task for those that are concerned with the appearance of their smile. For those needing these problems addressed, there may be no better option than braces. While braces have the ability to correct a host of cosmetic and functional dental problems, they are not well understood by patients. By learning the following answers to routine concerns new orthodontic patients may have, you will be in a position to be a better-informed patient throughout this treatment process.

29 June 2015